Multi-locking Device

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The Multi-Safety Locking Device ensures secure fastening of electrical panel handles to prevent unauthorized access, effectively avoiding door-related accidents with dual locking mechanisms. This device is essential in industrial settings prioritizing the safety of managers and workers and is suitable for environments requiring simultaneous management of multiple doors.


Integrated Electrical Panel Multi-Locking Device

This product can be found in a dry device such as an electric panel The safety system used,
It is insulated to prevent accidents caused by electricity. It is rust-resistant, so it can be used outdoors,
Durable and non-faulty.
The colors are red, yellow, green, and blue
There are four types, and the size is large (L),
There is a small size (S).

Electric panel integrated circuit breaker lock

This product is for the switchboard and circuit breaker handles of the power system Safety start device, turn off power to lock
Try to avoid mistakes or physical shocks by the operator Protect, power off when working and safely
Ensure that you can work on it.
This means that administrators and workers can perform tasks safely A simple locking device to help.

Insulation lock

This product is used in dryers such as electric panels It is an insulation device, and electrical accidents are caused by insulation
It is rust-resistant and can be used outdoors.
Durable and non-faulty.
There are four colors: red, yellow, green, and blue There are large sizes (L) and small sizes (S).

Installation photo